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Metallic belts

SATI Group's metal conveyor belts represent excellence in resistance for the transport of industrial materials. This product category offers advanced solutions to meet the most demanding transportation needs, ensuring superior quality and performance.

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Metallic belts

Unisteel – nastro steelcord

Area of operation: long distance and high speeds long conveyor belts for and mines, tunnels, ports, power plants, etc.

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Metallic belts

Unifleximat – nastro con maglia Fleximat IW – SW

power belts, belts subject to tears and stresses, high load elevators, thermal power plants, fertilizer plants, foundries, etc.

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Main Features

SATI Group’s metal belts are designed with attention to detail and to ensure durability and resistance. Made from high-quality metal materials, these belts offer extraordinary robustness, adapting to rigorous industrial environments. The precise dimensions of the belts are allowed for an efficient and reliable transport, contributing to the optimization of production processes.

Applications and Sectors of Use

Our metal conveyor belts find application in a wide range of industrial sectors. From the handling of heavy material to the management of complex production processes, these belts stand out for their versatility. For further details on specific applications and sectors of use, we invite you to explore the dedicated pages in the SECTORS section of our website.


The efficiency of a service requires precision and rules.

SATI Group: where the quality of service is a guarantee

Choosing SATI Group means investing in a successful partnership. Our dedication to quality service is reflected not only in our exceptional products but also in the overall experience of collaboration and transparency. We guarantee fast and reliable delivery times, ensuring that your production processes do not suffer from unwanted interruptions.

The benefits of choosing SATI Group includes an access to a team of experienced professionals ready to provide specialized technical support and solutions tailored to your needs. We are here to exceed your expectations and contribute to the ongoing success of your business.

Contact us today to find out how SATI Group can be the ideal partner for your industrial transport needs.

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Our rubber conveyor belt Divison offers a wide range of conveyor belts suitable for different uses and services and includes, within it, both an extra application unit that allows you to create customized belts according to needs, and the production of our own edge tape and Sativertical cups.

The Sati Group Sheet Division combines both the range of compact rubber sheets, Satisheets and the expanded rubber sheets of our internal production Satifoam.

The hoses Division signed by Sati Group offers a very wide range of Satihose industrial rubber and PVC hoses, Satiblock clamps and hose clamps for each product sector with a particular focus on the nautical sector with our Satihose Marine line